New Home Builds

Build your new home with Excelsior Residential Builders. We know there is nothing better than coming home to a place that has been built to suit your needs, hopes and dreams. A home that reflects who you are and works to enhance your lifestyle.

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Our Reputation is Built on Integrity

We stand by our work and by our word, the true kiwi way. There are many complexities and learning's when you build your own home, especially if you have never done it before. We have 40 years trade experience, we are certified builders, fully licensed and we give fixed price contracts.

So what does this mean, well quite simply we bring our skill and experience to your projects so we can help you to build your dream. We give a fixed price at the beginning that we will stick to. If you add and extras to the build we will discuss these with you so you know what the extra cost will be.

Build your dream home with Excelsior today!

We have worked with many people to build their dream home and our reputation for doing what we say and making dreams a reality is second to none.
As independent builders we strive to make building an enjoyable exhilarating experience by offering, a fixed price contract, 10 year build guarantee, full project management, constant communication and excellent time management.

With exceptional personal service from planning to hand over and beyond. We stay committed to improving our service and delivering to you principles and features in your home that will improve your quality of life and ensure your home maintains and improves value over time.

Excelsior new build

Our Work

We believe in using Modern Techniques mixed with Traditional Values

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