
Thank you so much for the wonderful gift basket and the flowers Peter. 

Yok has the flowers sitting on our kitchen bench, right where she spends a lot of her day; so those days will be brightened by your generosity,  and that is wonderful and comforting.

The gift basket will get well used as we have a large family gathering over Christmas…….and that Champagne will go down very well with our traditional Christmas breakfast of ham, scotch eggs, sausage rolls and fresh fruit.

After that we open our presents and then I normally take time out to “snooze” !   So you will have made a difference , not just to Yok & I , but to our wider family as we will enjoy the champagne and goodies you have given us. 

In some ways Peter I am sorry that the last couple of years has come to a conclusion because you have made an impression that goes a long way beyond the gifts or even the build you have undertaken for us.

I have come to really appreciate you as a person, a tradesman / builder ,  and as a businessman. I will miss the conversations and the interaction, albeit  having been concentrated on our build project. 

Yok and I wish you all the very best and hope that the build market will pick up in the New Year .

The offer to visit Aotea , and stay over should you wish , is there for you (+partner/friend) , so hopefully we might see you out there with your kayak at some stage. 

Thanks again, as stated we are very happy with our Aotea home, you did a great job and at any stage you can use us for a reference should you need to.

We believe in using Modern Techniques mixed with Traditional Values

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